Emma Nazzaro M.A.
Manuel Gallegos R.N.

Emma's email:
Manuel's email:

You worked hard this past semester, and deserve a vacation. Enjoy your summer days and nights! Remember: keep in touch with each other on our VESL PCA ALUMNI FB page!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

WEEK 17  It's so hard to believe! Our final week of the semester has arrived.  I am so sad to see us part, but so happy and proud of all your progress!  And, I know you are all just as proud. Here's a picture taken after our CPR training.  So sorry, not all the students are in the photo. 

This week, we will be very busy!  This is what is planned:
  • resumes
  • job search
  • speech/public:speaking practice
  • vote for 3 speakers for graduation
  • end of semester review: grammar and vocabulary
  • Graduation!!!!! 
Manuel will provide practice with taking vital signs and will give a ppt presentation on American Burial Traditions.  We also will read M14, Dealing with Death & Dying. 

Check out our VESL PCA Alumni Facebook

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Manuel will demonstrate how to take Blood Pressure (BP), and students will have an opportunity to practice taking BP with each other.  We will continue working on resume writing and begin our speech writing. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

10 tips for a respectful, safe, fun Memorial Day weekend

May 26, 2014

Today is Memorial Day.  A time we remember our brave U.S. military men and women who lost their lives serving our country.  Here's an article from the San Diego Union Tribune- even if you don't observe the holiday, this article is good reading for today.  Keep safe, have fun, and keep learning! 

Click on:
10 tips for a respectful, safe, fun Memorial Day weekend

Friday, May 23, 2014

WEEK 15 TEST ON Thursday: study Do vs. Make, Quizlet and Spelling City

This weekend, finish vocabulary list on reading, Entrepreneur's Calling. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!! See you Tuesday night!! 

Remember the CPR Compressions rhythm with "Stayin' Alive!"

Sunday, May 18, 2014

WEEK 15  

We have a big week this week!  Attending each class is very important! We will finish reading about Vital Signs (Module 9) and practice taking VS on each other with Manuel's assistance.  Then, we will read about CPR (Module 10, pages 93-94).  Vocabulary is on Quizlet, if you would like to prepare ahead of time for the training.  New spelling words are on Spelling City, so take a look!

Tuesday night is CPR & First Aid training. Our class will meet in room 200, from 5- 9pm.  Please try to be on time! Our CPR instructors' names are: BJ and Jubeth.  They are very friendly and fun! 

Writing:  Letter to the next shift PCA.  Start Resumes!  Bring in caregiver job postings, if you see them online or in the newspaper. 

Grammar:  Make vs. Do     Present Perfect review    See links on course website. 

Reading: Later this week, we'll read an article from the SD Union online newspaper about this man. 
Just looking at this photograph, can you predict what the article is about by guessing the answer to these questions:  Where is he? What is he wearing? How old do you think he is?  What does he do?What is he doing? Why is he in the newspaper? 

Meet entrepreneur, Arthur Bennett.

Monday, May 12, 2014

WEEK 14  
Students: please take a look at the new posts and resources in the right column of this website. Be attentive to new information posted about writing resumes, finding a job and interviewing skills. 
This week, we will start reading, TakingVital Signs, M 9 pages 80-86.  Also, we will read about giving CPR, M10 p. 93-96.  Please take a look at the new nursing skill videos, too. 

Manuel will continue to test Using Bedpans, demonstrate Bed Bath and introduce Vital Signs. 
Please continue attending class Monday through Thursdays, so we can finish the semester strong.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WEEK 13   Basic Care, Continued
We've been studying bowel and bladder problems this week. We will learn about the importance of good nutrition and a high fiber diet for patients with incontinent problems.  Manuel has been practicing and testing using bedpans skills with students and will continue next week.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

This week we'll continue to study Basic Care skills, specifically, using a bed pan, giving bed baths and understanding digestion. If you haven't practiced changing a soiled brief, then tell Ksenia you need to practice this week.  Manuel will demonstrate using a bed pan and giving bed baths over the next 2 weeks. 

We will have the usual Monday test, this week on Unit 11 vocabulary and spelling words, so please practice Quizlet and Spelling City.  Also check out new grammar websites and information in the right column on this website.  See you on Monday!!

Review Question: why it is important to understand your resident's basic needs? We'll review the answer in class. 
Continuing with Basic Care.  Open Binder test on Week 10 vocabulary and grammar test!  Organize your binders!!!
Manuel demonstrates how to change briefs, and students will have the opportunity to practice.  No testing on this nursing skill.
Grammar:  Gerunds/Infinitives as subjects of sentences, and review, review, review!
Spelling rules for -ing and -ed verbs  (review your rule sheet)
Reading:  TABE practice
Reading strategy: Inferences

Friday, April 18, 2014

Unbelieveable!!  Watch Paddy and Nico in Britain's Got Talent show!  No assistive devices needed here!