Emma Nazzaro M.A.
Manuel Gallegos R.N.

Emma's email:
Manuel's email:

You worked hard this past semester, and deserve a vacation. Enjoy your summer days and nights! Remember: keep in touch with each other on our VESL PCA ALUMNI FB page!

Monday, April 14, 2014

WEEK 10! 
Seven more weeks to the semester's end! Most have been attending class regularly- thank you!  Your perseverance will pay off!  Since we finally completed the very long unit on Body Mechanics, you'll take a review test on Monday.  Manuel will test transferring from bed to wheelchair and vice versa on Tuesday night.  We'll continue practicing measurements this week. Then, start on providing basic care for your resident. 

 Keep up the great work, Students!!!  

A picture of the medical abbreviation: ADLs   What does it mean?

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