Emma Nazzaro M.A.
Manuel Gallegos R.N.

Emma's email:
Manuel's email:

You worked hard this past semester, and deserve a vacation. Enjoy your summer days and nights! Remember: keep in touch with each other on our VESL PCA ALUMNI FB page!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

WEEK 17  It's so hard to believe! Our final week of the semester has arrived.  I am so sad to see us part, but so happy and proud of all your progress!  And, I know you are all just as proud. Here's a picture taken after our CPR training.  So sorry, not all the students are in the photo. 

This week, we will be very busy!  This is what is planned:
  • resumes
  • job search
  • speech/public:speaking practice
  • vote for 3 speakers for graduation
  • end of semester review: grammar and vocabulary
  • Graduation!!!!! 
Manuel will provide practice with taking vital signs and will give a ppt presentation on American Burial Traditions.  We also will read M14, Dealing with Death & Dying. 

Check out our VESL PCA Alumni Facebook

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