Emma Nazzaro M.A.
Manuel Gallegos R.N.

Emma's email:
Manuel's email:

You worked hard this past semester, and deserve a vacation. Enjoy your summer days and nights! Remember: keep in touch with each other on our VESL PCA ALUMNI FB page!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Question:  Have you ever seen this symbol? What does it mean?*  
Welcome all students to the our English for Personal Care Assistant/Caregiver class!
(a.k.a.VESL PCA)

    I am as excited as you are about this new class!  What's really special about this class is that you will have two teachers. Patty and I will work as a team to help you learn the communication and nursing skills specific to working as a PCA.  

    Check this class website often to review and practice what you learn in class. I will post activities and information that will help develop your skills and knowledge.  New websites will be added during the semester, so remember to check it out regularly. As I always say, "Practice makes perfect!"                           your teachers, Emma & Patty

*The Caduceus, or healthcare symbol, is a staff with two serpents winding around it to the top.  It is a positive symbol of caring and comfort that describes healthcare professionals. The serpents are symbols for fertility, wisdom, and healing.


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